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日期:2019-11-25 發布人:尚語翻譯 來源:尚語翻譯 閱讀量:


    Large-scale conferences must have   simultaneous interpretation . In addition, many companies now have cross-border cooperation. Some conferences still need to have someone to translate, so as to ensure the progress of the conference, it can also avoid some information ambiguity. The simultaneous translation price is our most concerned.If.you can choose a professional organization to cooperate, the translation guarantees the price is reasonable. Then we should understand what the quotation principle of translation is.



Principle 1, quote according to the difficulty of translation


    Different simultaneous interpretation prices are more expensive according to the difficulty of translation. Although it is also an English translation, if you need bilingual translation, and you need to ensure the precision of specific words in some fields, translators have some basic translation experience in the industry, then the charging aspect Certainly it will be slightly higher. At present, chemical, machinery, exhibitions and other translation requirements are high, the difficulty coefficient is not low, so the translation costs will be correspondingly improved is also normal, depending on the actual situation.


Principle 2, quote according to the type of translation


    Simultaneous translation is applied to different fields, and the translation requirements are actually different. The price of simultaneous translation will naturally be affected. For example, a large international conference requires three or five hundred professional translations to complete the work, so the basic cost is necessarily higher. Moreover, press conferences, investment shows, academic seminars, etc., because of the many translation projects and translation methods directly involved, the types of translations are also different, which will inevitably affect the cost.


Principle 3, charge according to translation time


    Generally speaking, the price of simultaneous translation is calculated according to eight hours a day. If the time is exceeded, the fee will increase. Moreover, the number of people dispatched by the translation system will also affect the corresponding charges. Simultaneous interpretation time is longer than 8 hours a day, and additional charges are required. If the meeting is held for a few days, there may be a discount on the fee, but you need to communicate in advance, only to ensure the reasonableness of the translation fee.







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