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日期:2019-11-09 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  More and more countries are closely linked. Accurate translation is the bridge between countries. Today, Shangyu document translation company shares with you what kind of quality do translators need?

  首先翻譯離不開扎實的本國語言能力,這是進行翻譯的基礎。為了更深刻的理解作者精心構造的意味,并且將它盡可能原汁原味的進行翻譯,離不開很高的本國語言素質。翻譯工作對外國語的要求也同樣包括語言理解力和語言的表達能力。必須掌握大量的詞匯、習語、諺語、俚語,能夠靈活地、熟練地運用語法手段和修辭技巧。只有這樣,才能用不同的詞匯來表達同一概念,用不同的方式來表達同一思想內容,然后從中選擇最合適的詞句,最理想的表現方式。這兩方面的能力強了,才能在外語譯漢時正確地理解原文,掌握原文的主題思想和寫作風格,在漢語譯成外語時,才能用道地的外語忠實、流暢進行表達。 具備了扎實的漢語和外語的語言素質,仍不能說具備了做合格翻譯的資格。進行翻譯實踐,還需要具備較高的文化素質,因為語言是文化的外表之一,又是文化的一部分,一個民族的文化體現在所進行的文學、科學等實踐活動中。需要站在一個國家的文化大背景之下,才能做出最恰當的翻譯。

  First of all, translation is inseparable from a solid native language ability, which is the basis for translation. In order to understand the meaning carefully constructed by the author and translate it as original as possible, it is necessary to have a high level of native language quality. The requirements of translation include language comprehension and expression. We must master a large number of vocabulary, idioms, proverbs, slang, and be able to use grammar and rhetoric skills flexibly and skillfully. Only in this way can we express the same concept with different words, express the same ideological content in different ways, and then choose the most appropriate words and sentences, the most ideal way of expression. Only when the ability of these two aspects is strong can we correctly understand the original text, master the theme and writing style of the original text, and when Chinese is translated into a foreign language, we can express it faithfully and fluently in a genuine foreign language With solid language quality of Chinese and foreign languages, we still can't say that we have the qualification of qualified translation. In translation practice, we need to have higher cultural quality, because language is not only one of the appearances of culture, but also a part of culture. The culture of a nation is reflected in the practice of literature, science and so on. It needs to stand in the cultural background of a country to make the most appropriate translation.

  翻譯不單單是語言能力的考驗,要做出忠實原著的翻譯,就必需熟悉本國和外語國家的思想信仰、價值觀和思維方式,這對于翻譯工作者來講是非常重要的。例如:西方國家多信基督教,但猶太人信猶太教,二者有許多不同之處,它們的文化都反映了其宗教的信仰、宗教的習俗,如果對這些不了解,翻譯中就不能很好地理解所翻譯的內容,因而也就不可能忠實地再現原文。 同時,一個國家的政治、經濟、地理、歷史、文學等的歷史和現狀構成了其文化的總和,這些方面從各自的角度反映著這個國家的文化內含;這些方面的知識欠缺就可能導致翻譯失誤。如:"敦刻爾克(Dunkirk)不單是一個法國海港,而"滑鐵盧"(Waterloo)也不單是個比利時的地名;它們除了地理意義之外,還包含著歷史文化上的種種背景和聯想。敦刻爾克使人們聯想起二次大戰中英軍在該港的大潰退、而滑鐵盧則使人想起了拿破侖在該地的慘敗,并由此聯想到它們所引申出的意義。當提到這類的詞匯,如果沒有顧及到它背后的意義盲目翻譯。很可能和原意有所差距。

  Translation is not only a test of language ability. To make a faithful translation of the original, it is necessary to be familiar with the ideological beliefs, values and ways of thinking of our country and foreign countries, which is very important for translators. For example, western countries believe in Christianity, but Jews believe in Judaism. There are many differences between them. Their culture reflects their religious beliefs and religious customs. If they don't understand these, they can't understand the translation well, so they can't faithfully reproduce the original At the same time, the history and current situation of a country's politics, economy, geography, history and literature constitute the sum of its cultures. These aspects reflect the cultural connotation of the country from their respective perspectives; the lack of knowledge in these aspects may lead to translation errors. For example, "Dunkirk is not only a French seaport, but also" Waterloo "is not only a place name of Belgium. Besides its geographical significance, they also contain various historical and cultural backgrounds and associations. Dunkirk reminds people of the great fall of British troops in the port in the Second World War, while Waterloo reminds people of Napoleon's tragic defeat in the port, and thus their extended significance. When it comes to this kind of vocabulary, if the meaning behind it is not taken into account, blind translation is necessary. It is likely that there is a gap with the original intention.


  In addition to language ability and cultural background control, there is also a very important ability - logical thinking ability. Whether engaged in literature, science and technology, or other aspects of translation work, we should strengthen the cultivation of their logical thinking ability. Some people have misunderstandings, mistranslations or omissions in translation not because of their poor language ability, but because of their poor logical thinking ability. There are some logical relations in the original text that the translator fails to understand from the relationship between the lines and the context, so there are errors. The improvement of logical thinking ability can also help us understand what we can't understand literally. It is helpful to have a more systematic and coherent grasp of the content, master the overall rhythm, and deal with problems more easily.








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