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日期:2019-10-25 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  The vocabulary structure of French is complex. The singular and plural nouns not only affect the parts of speech of noun category, but also affect the parts of speech of verb category. What rules should be followed in French learning?


  1. Learn voice and lay a good foundation.


  Some people may ask, "strange, I don't see the phonetic symbols of the words in the French textbook. What can I do?" -- in fact, the phonetic symbols of the French words can only be completely marked in the dictionary; why? Because the pronunciation of French is regular, if you touch French a little, you will find that the most intuitive difference between French and English is that there are some sounds on some letters. Accents, such as "é, Cuan", are actually used to determine the pronunciation of letters. All the sounds of letters with notes are unique. For other letters without notes, their pronunciation will vary according to their positions in the words, but they are also fixed and regular. Using rules can read French words just like spelling Chinese pinyin. Therefore, if you master the pronunciation rules of French, the spelling of French will be solved. Even if you are given an article that you don't know a word, you can read it without relying on any other help.


  What should be paid attention to in speech learning?


  To prevent the use of English speaking tone to read French; French pronunciation is elegant, solemn and experienced, there is no double vowel, curly tongue sound is not as "frivolous" as English.


  Second, avoid the influence of dialect. For example, N; L is not graded.


  The suggested methods in speech learning are as follows:


 ?、?it's better to have a teacher to take it, so as to correct the sound. Of course, the premise is to find a good teacher.


  ② you can watch several French movies, listen to French songs and French radio. It doesn't matter if you don't understand them. The key is to create an atmosphere so that you can subconsciously have a "feeling" of French voice and intonation, so that the voice can't be sent out too far.


  2. Parallel use of Chinese and foreign teaching materials


  After learning English for so many years, the last thing I said was poor "China English". I think the biggest reason is that when I first learned English, I was limited by the conditions and lacked a set of excellent original textbooks to guide me. French learning "> this problem should be avoided in French learning. In the current teaching of French for University Majors, both Chinese and foreign teaching materials are used in parallel: Chinese teaching materials are mainly used for the introduction of French and the explanation of grammar, which are usually compiled according to the Chinese way of thinking. When explaining, they are easy to understand and accept; the original French teaching materials are compiled according to the French language habits and ways of thinking, which are not only pure. It is very important for language learners to have an objective understanding of their ideology, social culture, ideology and other aspects. It's like when foreigners are learning Chinese, if they don't have a good understanding of Chinese language habits, it's hard for them to figure out what "things" are and whether they are "things" or not.


  3. Cultivate interest and persevere


  "Interest is the best teacher". Learning language is a very interesting thing. It's easy for people to have a sense of achievement, especially in the Internet age. From the ignorance of French, to the simple greetings in French on QQ, to the posts in the community, to the understanding of short sentences when watching movies, and to the beautiful melody when listening to French songs. You can find a place to use the new learning on the Internet immediately, and you can find an online community to discuss the questions immediately. Not only feel their progress, but also make friends, why not do it.


  Due to the differences in personality and learning purpose, there are often some phenomena of "giving up halfway" in French learning. For example, the number of students who come to the end of the French training class is less. In fact, I think this is normal. If there is no special pressure, such as to have an exam or an interview, you can stop when you don't want to learn. Of course, this time It's better not to be completely isolated from French. You can listen to French songs, watch movies and so on. You can make French accumulate in your own consciousness, and it's easy to learn it again. Of course, if you want to really learn French well, you have to "persevere". When you learn it for a certain period of time, you always find it difficult to improve. This should be the law of learning anything. If you overcome the past, you will be "bright in the dark".


  4. Listen, recite and recite


  The easiest way to learn a language is to listen to it and recite it. Many things are fixed. It is a good way to recite some commonly used sentences, practical essays and learn to sing beautiful French songs.


  5. Ask questions about real-time communication


  In the network age, information transmission is very convenient. Sometimes some beginners can't turn for a few days. Find a "teacher" or "classmate" on the Internet. Maybe a few words will solve the problem, saving time and thoroughness. In the French community and friends making records, there are many experts, who are not afraid of unsolvable problems. Of course, a very realistic problem is that at present, this kind of service is mostly compulsory, and many questions cannot be answered in time and accurately. But I think with the development and maturity of the network, as well as the respect for personal knowledge and time, the way of online paid French education and exchange will be gradually accepted by everyone because it is not limited by time and place and low service price. There will be more








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