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日期:2019-03-22 發(fā)布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Accompanied translation is one of the common forms of translation. A qualified escort translation needs to master many knowledge points. The following certificate translation company will share with you what knowledge points a qualified escort translation needs to master besides professional competence?


  1. Food vocabulary. Ninety-nine times out of ten, accompanying translators will encounter the situation of eating with foreign guests. For foreign guests who do not know Chinese, the name of each dish, the ingredients, the cooking methods and the allusions behind it are all the focus of attention. Especially for those foreign guests who have taboos on certain diets or are interested in Chinese catering culture, they must know clearly the composition of each dish and the context of its origin and development before they stop. If the translation can not provide the above information accurately at this time, the foreign guests will not speak, and will also question the level of the interpreter in their hearts.


  2. Medical and health vocabulary. It is inevitable to have a headache and fever when going out. If foreign guests are not acclimatized or sick, the translator is duty-bound to accompany them to see a doctor or buy medicines. Therefore, it is necessary to master the names of common diseases, symptoms, diagnostic methods and drug names. Only in this way can we avoid confusion in the case of unexpected situations.


  3. Vocabulary and sentence patterns commonly used in sightseeing. The most important function of escort translation is to accompany foreign visitors to visit, which should be familiar with scenic spots, religious culture, historical allusions and so on. In particular, it is easy to overlook the translation of some common or characteristic names of animals and plants, religion-specific words and historical figures and stories.


  4. Common sentence patterns of commodities and bargaining. Shopping is a problem that almost every translator will encounter. Different foreign guests have different concerns. Sometimes they buy things beyond our familiar range.


  5. Vocabulary related to China's national conditions and traditional culture. This range is very large, ranging from traditional Chinese medicine, Qigong, fine arts, calligraphy, music, literature and sports to politics, economy, society, humanities and geography in all parts of China. As an interpreter, it is better to accumulate more in peacetime so as not to be timid when foreign guests ask questions.







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