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日期:2019-03-18 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Now the development of financial industry is better and better, and the communication with foreign countries is more and more extensive. What are the characteristics of financial translation? Today, the certificate translation company will take you to know about it.


  1. Internationalization. Although internationalization is the development trend and inevitable requirement of most industries at present, this requirement is particularly prominent for the financial industry. Most of the financial translations are from Chinese to English, not from the past. If English translation is the stage of "introducing" foreign advanced concepts and practices, then today's Chinese-English translation means our real "going out" practice.

  2、專業化。金融翻譯要求譯者具有一定的專業水平,了解專業術語、熟悉專業操作。以銀行授信業務為例,保函、掉期、預授信、雙保理、托收承付、催收、劃撥、回贖、敞口頭寸等這樣一些詞匯都有專門、固定的譯法;而total exposure, credit facility, underwriting, clean collection, road show, installment, future option等詞也不再僅僅停留在其字面意思,而被賦予了專業含義。另外一些尚無標準譯法的詞匯,需要譯者利用專業背景深入理解其內涵后加以翻譯。與此同時,授信業務通常涉及汽車、鋼鐵、化工、煤炭、化纖、教育等各個行業,這就不僅需要譯者的金融知識背景,更需要其具有綜合、全面的社會科學知識結構。

  2. Specialization. Financial translation requires translators to have a certain professional level, know professional terminology, and be familiar with professional operations. Taking bank credit business as an example, some words such as guarantee letter, swap, advance letter, double factoring, collection and acceptance, collection, remittance, redemption and open-ended inch have special and fixed translation methods, while the words total exposure, credit facility, underwriting, clean collection, road show, installment, future option are no longer just in their literal meanings, but are given special meaning. Industry implications. In addition, some words without standard translation methods need to be translated after the translator has a deep understanding of their connotations with professional background. At the same time, credit business usually involves automobile, steel, chemical industry, coal, chemical fiber, education and other industries, which requires not only the translator's financial knowledge background, but also its comprehensive and comprehensive social science knowledge structure.


  3. Importance. Translations of financial institutions usually include minutes of meetings, information sheets, annual reports, credit guidelines, and various reports. These documents are usually used for reading, discussing or approving by the board of directors, shareholders'meeting and senior management at headquarters of financial institutions, which are related to the business development and investment strategy of the whole company. Especially for listed companies, annual reports are very important. They are an important means for investors to understand the detailed operation of the company, and to some extent affect the investment decisions of investors. Sound to the future performance of listed companies. This requires a high translation quality and professional standard to ensure the integrity and accuracy of information obtained by overseas investors.


  4. Timeliness. The importance of financial translation content determines its higher requirement for translation time. Some manuscripts are usually received on the same day, delivered the next day, or in the morning or afternoon; in the case of large volume of manuscripts and tight time, translators are often required to maintain a high sense of responsibility and work overtime to complete tasks on time and in good quality.


  5. Confidentiality. Financial institutions operate monetary funds, which are also an indispensable material basis for the normal operation of enterprises. And the specific financial data can truly reflect the business decision-making of the enterprise, which is the core of the industry competition. Therefore, translators should maintain good translation ethics and keep confidential all kinds of financial data, specific business objectives and the amount of funds involved in financial reports.








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