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日期:2019-02-28 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  As a kind of translation, consecutive interpretation not only needs to complete the record of the other party's language in a short time, but also needs to express it accurately, so that the business leaders they represent know the other party's meaning, and then make the right response. Today, the certificate translation company will tell you how to do a good job of alternate translation.


  1. Translate as accurately and concisely as possible.


  Compared with translation, the biggest difficulty in interpretation is timeliness and accuracy, mainly because after the speaker's voice has just fallen, the interpreter must be asked to start translating. For the interpreter, there is no time to think further, of course, no time to look up information.


  2. Be peaceful as an interpreter.


  For those who do not know the translation industry, some people think that as long as they have studied English, they can translate the contents of all walks of life very well. Others think that translators are not worth mentioning at all. In fact, for those who really understand the translation industry, the importance of interpreters in the process of alternate translation will also know how difficult it is to become a good interpreter, so it is very important for interpreters to have a good mentality.


  3. Keep your role in mind.


  In the process of consecutive interpretation, we should always remember the role of the communicator and have an accurate positioning. The occasions of consecutive interpretation are mostly meetings and talks. In such occasions, it is absolutely necessary to distinguish roles. For the interpreters, they must always remember their roles. Some translators often add subjective roles to the interpretation. This is not allowed, but also the biggest taboo in the process of consecutive interpretation. All the communicators have to do is faithfully translate the opinions of the spokespersons of both sides. If the communicators join in their opinions, the spokesperson may feel uncomfortable because of your "ultra vires". This is especially true when many companies are meeting together.


  4. Skillful use of translation skills.


  Companies and enterprises that understand the importance of consecutive interpretation attach great importance to the selection of interpreters in translation companies. The success of the outcome of the talks depends largely on the ability of the communicators. The competence mentioned here refers not only to the translator's translation skills, but also to the grasp of the atmosphere of the whole venue and the ability to control and adjust the atmosphere of the venue. For experienced communicators, this understanding is very thorough, but some people may overlook a grasp of the scene atmosphere, which is a work barrier for the communicators. For example, in some special atmosphere, such as the coming collapse or the strong smell of gunpowder, both sides may say some hurtful words or even dirty words because of emotional excitement. In this case, of course, it is impossible to translate directly. We must pay attention to the words used in the translation, express them euphemistically, or make constructive suggestions for both sides. We will strive for a successful outcome of the talks between the two sides.


  On the contrary, if you just blindly translate what the two sides said, pay no attention to the change of the atmosphere of the whole conversation, and do not pay attention to the language and wording of the translation, it may lead to the whole conversation break up unhappily. If there is such an interpreter who can well control the atmosphere of the whole talks and achieve satisfactory results for both sides, then the company and the enterprise will still find the interpreter next time they cooperate. So this is very important for the handover personnel.








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