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日期:2022-06-08 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Chinese English translation is the most common translation language. The editor of Shangyu translation company tells you how to deal with the cultural differences between Chinese and English?


  1、 The business features of business English translation are reproduced through standard terms, sentence patterns and patterns. In Business English translation, idioms and fixed sentence patterns are often used in a large number, and there are many fixed patterns. Therefore, in the process of translation, idioms and common fixed patterns should be used as much as possible to prevent mistranslation caused by cultural differences, and to reproduce the formal, accurate and standard characteristics of Business English.

  二、要充分把握不同的文明知識,了解不同的文明背景,培養跨文明翻譯的才能。對商務英語翻譯中存在文明差異的詞語、句法要有深刻的把握,尤其是存在多種 含義的詞語和具有特定含義的習語。了解不同的文明背景、習俗和特點,防止翻譯過程中的誤解,并結合實際情況化解翻譯過程中或許存在的文明沖突。訓練對文明 差異的敏感性,精確辨別商務英語中存在文明差異的當地,提高駕御跨文明翻譯的才能。

  2、 We should fully grasp the knowledge of different civilizations, understand different cultural backgrounds, and cultivate the ability of cross civilization translation. It is necessary to have a deep grasp of the words and syntax with cultural differences in Business English translation, especially the words with multiple meanings and idioms with specific meanings. Understand different cultural backgrounds, customs and characteristics, prevent misunderstandings in the translation process, and resolve possible cultural conflicts in the translation process in combination with the actual situation. Train the sensitivity to cultural differences, accurately identify the places with cultural differences in Business English, and improve the ability to drive cross cultural translation.

  三、靈活運用翻譯技巧,展示翻譯作業的藝術性。商務英語翻譯既要確保翻譯時信息的完好傳遞,還要確保翻譯能有效地促進商務活動的順利開展。因而,在翻譯 過程中,要靈活運用各種技巧,結合兩邊的文明特點,發揮出翻譯作業的藝術性,為商務活動的順利進行打下根底。在翻譯過程中,要將直譯、音譯和意譯相結合, 體現出翻譯的藝術性,促進兩邊的深入協作。除此之外,還要注意翻譯過程中的抽象引申、文體句式轉換和修辭引申等翻譯技巧的靈活運用,在充分體現原文語義的一起,提高翻譯的藝術性和審美性。

  3、 Flexible use of translation skills to show the artistry of translation work. Business English translation should not only ensure the complete transmission of information during translation, but also ensure that translation can effectively promote the smooth development of business activities. Therefore, in the process of translation, we should flexibly use various skills, combine the cultural characteristics of both sides, give full play to the artistry of translation, and lay the foundation for the smooth progress of business activities. In the process of translation, literal translation, transliteration and free translation should be combined to reflect the artistry of translation and promote in-depth cooperation between the two sides. In addition, we should also pay attention to the flexible use of translation skills such as abstract extension, stylistic sentence pattern transformation and rhetorical extension in the process of translation, so as to fully reflect the semantics of the original text and improve the artistry and aesthetics of translation.








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