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日期:2022-03-18 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Many foreign advertisements need to be translated when they are introduced into China. The quality of advertising translation directly affects people's desire to buy. What's the attention of advertising translation?


  First of all, Chinese people pay attention to the substance of product advertising and pay attention to demonstration; Westerners are extroverted, pay more attention to the external form of product advertising and pay attention to the sensory effect.


  Therefore, in advertising translation, translators should focus on the content paid attention to by different countries, so that the translated advertising can achieve its final effect.


  The pronunciation of language can cause different auditory effects, and can stimulate different psychological reactions, or soft, or crisp, or vigorous, or dignified. Phonetic differences are not only a part of culture, but also the carrier of culture. It can reflect the characteristics of a nation, not only including the nation's historical and cultural background, but also containing the nation's view of life and the way of life and thinking. Therefore, when translating advertisements, translators should pay attention to the phonetic differences and highlight the national characteristics of the target language countries.


  Different countries, nationalities and regions use different characters, and their preferences and dislikes for some characters are also very different. Therefore, in advertising translation, we should pay attention to the use of words to avoid ambiguity and unnecessary trouble and conflict. Also remember that advertising language often uses rhetorical devices. In order to make the content more vivid and specific, or make the main words distinctive and prominent, strengthen the language effect, attract the public's attention and help the public remember. Therefore, when translating advertisements, translators should pay attention to the use of rhetorical devices.


  Before advertising translation, translators also need to have an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of the translated advertising and goods, as well as the cultural traditions and consumer psychology of the country where the advertising is received, and understand the taboos that should be paid attention to in translation.








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