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日期:2021-12-31 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  The translation of film and television works should be accurate and easy for the audience to understand. What are the language characteristics of translated film and television works?


  Film and television is not a single language transmission, nor is it a monotonous image transmission. It has the characteristics of the connection between sound and image. Only through understanding language and words, or only through understanding images and graphics, translation companies can not enjoy the whole film plot and understand the whole work culture. Transmission requires the complementarity of sound and setting of film and television works, that is, in language translation, the characteristics of subtitle groups and translators need to consider the characters, wording style, body movements, setting environment and film and television settings in the works. Zion music, in order to achieve the dissemination of culture, film and television works, film translation language needs to have comprehensive characteristics.


  Secondly, the character language in the film and television works can show bright personality characteristics or real characteristics of the times. Therefore, in language translation, the translator needs to deeply understand the real and passionate works, study the time setting of the works and the characteristics of the characters. The characteristic of cters is the language of translating film and television works. The language of film and television works is characterized by "speech as a person and style as a substitute".


  In the process of appreciating and appreciating written works, readers can think word for word again and again, the characteristics and language skills of written language, and think carefully. However, when appreciating the film and television works, the film and television works with words and images will change with the change of the plot, so that the audience can not slowly read the language of the film and television works. If the audience does not read the subtitle language of the film and television works, they can only be placed in one department. H thought and couldn't stop the work. Therefore, the broadcast characteristics of film and television works make the translation language of film and television works have certain instantaneity.


  Different from those who love literature and have different requirements for the writing of translated works, translation companies often face a wide range of film translation audiences. They come from different cultural levels, and their understanding of language patterns and passion for works are different. Therefore, in order to better realize the dissemination of film and television works, language translation is a very important link. The demand for film and television works is easy to understand and is often more popular








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