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日期:2021-11-18 發(fā)布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  With the increasing application of business English, business interpretation has gradually become an important translation project. What preparations should be made for business interpretation? Let's talk about it.


  1. Business interpreters need to know their clients


  Interpretation service objects usually include speakers, guests, listeners, etc. the audience of the meeting is often insiders. Therefore, translators should pay attention to the accuracy of professional terms when interpreting, because the meeting will be a window for them to grasp the latest developments in the industry. For speakers and guests, translators should try their best to obtain their names, gender, positions, titles, service institutions, nationalities and other information. If possible, interpreters should ask them for business cards or search their resumes and service institutions on the Internet before the meeting, so as to reduce the pressure of on-site interpretation, especially to prevent the embarrassment of making mistakes while busy.


  2. Business interpreters need to be familiar with the interpretation topic


  After receiving the interpretation task, the interpreter should be familiar with the interpretation topic in time. The interpreter can ask the organizer for relevant information, such as company profile, product description, production process, schedule, etc. At the same time, translators can also search for supplementary information on the Internet according to their plans, so as to enhance their in-depth understanding of the interpretation theme.


  3. Business interpreters need to prepare speeches in advance


  The content of the speech preparation should consider the needs of the audience, understand and study the psychology of the audience, so as to make the content of the speech close to and compatible with the audience. During listening, the audience's psychological activities are shown in the following aspects:


  (1) The speaker has a speech, but when he actually speaks, he makes an impromptu speech on the basis of the speech.


  (2) The speaker changed his speech temporarily.


  (3) Temporary adjustment of interpretation tasks.


  4. Business interpreters should prepare terms in advance


  Before the meeting, if the business interpreter does not have certain terminology preparation, the interpreter may get stuck, nervous and unclear as soon as he comes on stage. It is impossible for translators to have the same professional knowledge as experts, but they must master terms and vocabulary sufficient to understand and convey the content of the report. In today's increasingly developed communication, translators can not only find professional books, reference books, dictionaries and materials of previous conferences, but also collect and sort out relevant terms and corresponding translations through the Internet.







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