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日期:2021-11-08 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Literary translation requires translators not only to have a high level of Chinese and foreign languages, but also to have a broad range of knowledge and literary cultivation, rich translation experience and rigorous translation attitude. Shangyu translation company will share with you what needs to be done to do a good job of literary translation?


  1、 The first is language ability


  Literary translation requires both Chinese and foreign languages to be very strong, but this is far from enough. It needs a wide range of knowledge and literary cultivation. In addition, translation experience is also very important. In addition, translation attitude plays a very important role. If you are careless and irresponsible, no matter how high your level is, you can't produce high-quality products. Many original works, even foreign editors and proofreaders did not find errors, the translator found them, because he had to go through his eyes and brain word by word. This also shows how careful and serious the translator needs.


  2、 A good translation takes a long time to polish


  The nature of literary translation determines that it is destined to be lonely. It needs to sit at the desk for a long time, be calm, stay away from the noise and endure loneliness. I once said in an article that literary translation is like making a dowry for people. If you turn it well, readers will think that the author writes it well; There is something wrong with the original work. The translator must have translated it wrong. Anyway, the good thing belongs to others and the responsibility belongs to the translator.


  A good translation needs polishing. Before translation, we need to prepare in thought, knowledge reserve and data collection. After translation, we should constantly revise and improve. My habit is to "cool" it for a period of time after translation, put it aside, and then treat it as someone else's translation after a period of time, and modify it objectively, so that it is easier to find problems.


  3、 Literary translation is a special literary creation


  If the same original work is translated by different translators, the translation will be different, sometimes very different. Maybe there will not be much difference in the content, but the quality of the text and the taste of literature will vary greatly. Literary translation is closely related to the translator's cultural literacy and life experience. Literary translation also needs passion and imagination, especially poetry translation. Poor translation will make a poem taste like chewing wax, while good translation can icing on the cake. Of course, there are preconditions and conditions for the creation of literary translation, that is, the original work must be dignified. It is "dancing in shackles", and the difficulty can be imagined.








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