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日期:2021-11-04 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Scientific and technological translation needs to adapt to the requirements of the new economic era. What qualities do translators need to have in scientific and technological translation? Shangyu translation company will take you to know:


  1、 The qualities that science and technology translators should have in the new economic era


  1. Scientific literacy


  In the new economic era, science and technology translators should have scientific awareness, be knowledgeable, be involved in many disciplines and understand the professional knowledge of the translated disciplines.


  With the development of science and technology, new knowledge, concepts and terms are emerging. The same word expresses different meanings in different fields, different majors and different meanings.


  It will be difficult to translate the literature of relevant disciplines (such as papers, technical data, bidding documents, technical specifications, product specifications, etc.).


  For another example, the water conservancy and hydropower industry involves basic sciences such as hydrology, meteorology, engineering geology and hydrogeology, surveying, hydraulics, geotechnical mechanics, electrical engineering and civil architecture, as well as water law, water conservancy planning, soil and water conservation and ecological environment, water resources protection, hydraulic buildings, metal structures, water conservancy machinery, electromechanical and electrical equipment, automatic control, high-voltage power transmission Dozens of specialties such as telecommunications, computer and dam monitoring.


  To do a good job in scientific and technological translation of water conservancy and hydropower, translators should be familiar with the above professional knowledge, and the translation can have a professional flavor only when it is read; Otherwise, it can not fully reflect the "scientific and technological language" in the technical literature and affect the expression and quality of the translation.


  2. Professional competence


  (1) Ability to express and understand


  Expression is based on understanding. The depth of understanding affects the quality of translation. The more thorough the understanding of the original text and the deeper the understanding of the professional knowledge embodied in the original text, the more accurate the expression of the translation. Only through thorough understanding and accurate expression can a good translation be produced.


  Understanding is not only the first stage of translation, but also the basic stage. Distinguishing meaning is the foundation of translation, understanding is the premise and beginning of expression, and expression is the purpose and result of understanding. If you make a false understanding of the original text, the result must be a false expression. Only under the premise of correct, comprehensive and accurate understanding can we talk about expression. Expression is based on understanding.


  Scientific and technological translation should emphasize understanding and secondary expression. French hermeneutic translation theory researchers put forward the translation procedure of "understanding one by one from the language form of the original text and expressing one by one". As far as language itself is concerned, it is not difficult to understand its surface meaning, but its deep meaning and associative meaning.








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