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日期:2021-10-20 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  The differences in cultural background and language habits and the obvious differences in expression between Chinese and Westerners constitute different factors in English-Chinese interlingual translation. What are the translation methods of this paper?


  1. Additional translation method (additional and reissued)

  增譯法是一種根據語法結構、表達習慣、語義連貫和修辭手法把實詞與虛詞、句子成分、原文中省略的詞、主語、 概括性和解釋性詞增補到目標文本中的翻譯方法。其目的是使得讀者更好地了解原文的隱含信息。

  Augmented translation is a translation method that adds notional words and function words, sentence components, omitted words in the original text, subjects, general and explanatory words to the target text according to grammatical structure, expression habits, semantic coherence and rhetorical devices. Its purpose is to make readers better understand the implied information of the original text.


  (1) Add an appropriate noun


  (2) Add quantity words.


  (3) Add adjectives


  (4) Add conjunctions.


  (5) Add an appropriate verb.


  2. Subtraction (ellipsis)


  When we do English Chinese interlingual translation, we may find that some indispensable words and phrases in English become redundant when translated into Chinese. In other words, if we omit these redundant words, the translation will be more in line with the language expression habits of the target readers. This method is also called ellipsis. The correct use of ellipsis will make the translation concise and easy to understand. Omitting is not to delete some content from the original text. Don't cut it casually when it is not easy to reduce translation.

  (1) 省略代詞。

  (1) Omit pronouns.

  (2) 省略連詞。

  (2) Omit conjunctions.

  (3) 省略名詞。

  (3) Omit nouns.

  (4) 省略動詞。

  (4) Omit verbs.


  3. Interpretation method:


  There are many long sentences in English and relatively short sentences in Chinese. In translation, the structure of the original text can be changed, a component of the original text can be separated from the original structure and translated into an independent component, clause or parallel clause.


  4. Combined translation method:

  和分譯法不同,合譯法是將不同的句子成分組合在一起,使其更符合漢 語的表達方法。

  Different from the separate translation method, the combined translation method combines different sentence components to make it more in line with the Chinese expression method.


  5. Reverse translation:

  一個問題有時可以從不同的角度來解釋說明。有些句子英語是從正面 說的,漢語可以從反面來解釋。

  A problem can sometimes be explained from different angles. Some sentences are said from the front in English and can be explained from the back in Chinese.

  (1) 否定譯成肯定。

  (1) Negation translates into affirmation.


  (2) Positive translates into negative.


  6. Sequential adjustment method:

  一般來說,翻譯時應該按照句子原來的順序進行,但由于英漢兩 種語言中定語、狀語和一些其他成分的位置不完全相同,翻譯時需要做一定的調整(例如采用倒譯法),使其符合漢語的習慣。

  Generally speaking, the translation should be carried out according to the original order of sentences. However, due to the different positions of attributives, adverbials and some other components in English and Chinese, some adjustments (such as reverse translation) need to be made in translation to make it conform to Chinese habits.








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