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日期:2021-08-12 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  During translation, interpretation is often needed. During interpretation, interpretation service personnel will have certain requirements. Today I'll give you a specific introduction.


  1. French interpreters should make preparations before the meeting. Before a formal meeting, French interpretation should carefully analyze and sort out the proper terms and professional terms involved in interpretation, prepare interpretation tools for the knowledge of the subject, and be familiar with the use of conference interpretation places and equipment, which can not be ignored. In translation, translation agencies usually prefer local translation of foreign languages, but it does not mean that this is the case in all cases. Sometimes they need to have good pronunciation and intonation.


  2. Interpreters should be physically and psychologically prepared. At the meeting site, interpreters usually need to bear a lot of psychological pressure. At this time, translators must maintain a moderate state of excitement, not stage fright. At the same time, they should also maintain wit and sensitivity, and have the ability to deal with any situation.


  3. Have good communication and communication skills. When interpreters are temporarily assigned, they are often unfamiliar with the manuscript of the speech or lack of understanding of the knowledge in this field. At this time, if they do not have good communication and exchange with the speaker, the quality of interpretation will often be affected. Therefore, interpreters must have certain communication skills and be able to communicate effectively with the speaker and the sponsor, Communicate with the audience.

  翻譯社的口譯人員在工作的過程中, 一定要做好各個方面的工作,調整好自己的心理狀態,并且和相應的人員溝通協調好,另外,還需要了解各國的禮儀和相關的知識,比如儀表禮儀,服飾禮儀,社交禮儀以及餐桌禮儀等,這樣才能給用戶留下一個深刻的印象。

  In the process of work, the interpreters of the translation agency must do a good job in all aspects, adjust their psychological state, and communicate and coordinate with the corresponding personnel. In addition, they also need to understand the etiquette and related knowledge of various countries, such as instrument etiquette, dress etiquette, social etiquette and table etiquette, so as to leave a deep impression on the users.








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