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日期:2021-08-05 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  In the field of medical translation, the requirements for the accuracy of translation are very high, so the requirements for translators are also very high. Next, Shangyu translation company will share with you what aspects you can focus on to ensure the accuracy of medical translation?


  1. Reading literature is the premise


  Reading literature is the premise of translation. If you don't understand literature, you can't translate effectively. How can I read the literature? The answer is that the translator must have a good academic background. As we all know, even professionals sometimes have a few ambiguous sentences when translating medicine, not to mention those who have no professional background? Medical translation is actually a translation work with high technical content. The translator should not only have a strong medical professional background, but also have a skilled comprehensive language application ability.


  2. Clarity is the purpose


  Understanding the literature does not necessarily make medical translation, but also needs to be clearly expressed. In other words, the articles translated by the translator must be quite readable. Many people will translate with the help of translation software, but software translation is based on one sentence, so the translation translated by the translator is also sentence by sentence. This ignores a very important problem, that is, the expression habits of Chinese and English are different. This requires the translator to have a good grasp of the writing style of Chinese and English medical content, and carry out medical translation on this basis. Sometimes, in order to express a sentence clearly, it is necessary to make a comprehensive analysis of multiple sentence groups and adjust the order of sentences in order to express sentences that meet Chinese norms. When translating Chinese into English, the translator also needs to translate the Chinese content into a style that conforms to the English expression, not just one-to-one translation!


  3. Difficulties are checked with the help of literature


  In the process of medical translation, we will certainly encounter some incomprehensible sentences. The key is to use what means to accurately translate these difficulties. When you look up some words without Chinese explanation, some people will find similar words with the help of professional dictionaries. This is a reliable way. In medical translation, translators should be good at checking difficult styles one by one with the help of professional medical literature. Because some rare words are rarely included by search engines such as Google or Baidu, and some translation results are not accurate, it is an accurate and reasonable method to use medical literature. Because medical academic literature is more professional and reliable than some online content.








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