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日期:2021-05-19 發(fā)布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Escort interpreting is a job with high requirements for professional competence. Shangyu translation company will show you what you need to master in escort interpreting?


  1. Accompanying interpreters need to master food vocabulary. Nine times out of ten, accompanying interpreters will have dinner with foreign guests. For foreign guests who don't understand Chinese, what is the name of each dish, what ingredients are used, what cooking methods are used, and what allusions are behind them are the focus of attention. Especially for foreign guests who have taboos on some foods or are interested in Chinese food culture, they must know clearly the composition and context of each dish. If the translator can not provide the above information accurately, the foreign guests will ask questions about the interpreter's level.


  2. Accompanying interpreters should master medical and health vocabulary. It's hard to avoid a headache when you go out. If the foreign guests are not acclimatized or sick, the interpreter is duty bound to accompany them to see a doctor or buy medicine. Therefore, it is necessary to master the name, symptom description, diagnosis method and drug name of common diseases. In this way, we will not be in a mess in case of emergency.


  3. The accompanying interpreter should master the common vocabulary and sentence patterns during the tour. The most important function of escort interpretation is to accompany foreign guests to visit, and they should be familiar with scenic spots, religious culture, historical allusions and so on. In particular, it is easy to ignore the translation of some common or characteristic animal and plant names, religious specific words, historical figures and stories.


  4. The accompanying interpreter should master the common sentence patterns of commodity and bargaining. Shopping is a problem that almost every translator will encounter, and different foreign guests have different concerns. Sometimes what they buy may be beyond our familiar scope.


  5. Accompanying interpreters need to master vocabulary related to China's national conditions and traditional culture. The scope is very large, ranging from traditional Chinese medicine, qigong, fine arts, calligraphy, music, literature and sports to politics, economy, society, humanities and geography all over China.







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