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日期:2021-04-29 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Simultaneous interpretation has very high requirements for interpreters. Interpreters may encounter various challenges in the process of translation. Now Shangyu translation company will share with you how to make simultaneous interpretation easier?


  1. Learn to break sentences


  Sentence segmentation is the most basic skill in simultaneous interpretation and the foundation of all skills. Where a paragraph should be broken and how to connect all parts of the sentence after it are the key points of sentence breaking skills. So how to break a sentence? It requires a lot of practice for the interpreter to get familiar with the similarities and differences between the two languages, and gradually get rid of the influence of the original sentence structure and the way of expression. Then the interpreter can flexibly mobilize many skills, such as mood, gesture, intonation, mood and so on, in order to achieve his intention.


  2. Waiting in time


  "Timely waiting" means that when it is not suitable for sentence segmentation, the interpreter, in order to make the translated sentence accurate and coherent, slows down at the right time and then translates after the speaker has given a more complete meaning. This kind of "waiting" requires the interpreter to have working memory. Generally speaking, the working memory is very limited. Therefore, the interpreter should not wait too long, so he should "make a quick decision" when the decision is made. If we wait too long without making accurate judgment, the burden of memory will be too heavy, which will eventually lead to problems such as missing translation.


  3. Timely repetition


  Simultaneous interpretation is oral translation, and the primary purpose is to let the speaker and the audience communicate on the spot; Sometimes, in order to emphasize, supplement, correct or make the translation more smooth, translators often use repetition to make the translation more comprehensible and conducive to communication.


  4. Expand sentences in time


  Like other forms of E-C translation, the use of addition is often used in simultaneous interpretation. Addition, also known as supplement, is to add some words (sometimes including sentences) according to the needs of sentence semantics, structure and rhetoric, so as to faithfully and smoothly express the speaker's thoughts and feelings.


  5. Saving words but not meaning


  Under the condition of keeping the original meaning of the original text unchanged, omitting some words that are superfluous in the translation, do not conform to the Chinese expression habits, and even affect the normal understanding. The purpose of omission is to omit some words in the original text and not omit the meaning of the original text, so as not to affect the integrity and accuracy of the original text, and to make the translation simple, smooth and easy. The principle of ellipsis is to omit words but not meanings.








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