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日期:2021-04-15 發(fā)布人: 來(lái)源: 閱讀量:


  Business interpretation is generally applicable to negotiation or interpretation service activities in enterprises, which requires a high level of interpreters. Shangyu translation company will share with you why business interpretation is so important?


  Business interpreters in business activities are the professional translators for routine business talks. In international business talks, they all need business interpretation services. Business interpretation serves business activities, which is restricted by external factors and environment. Moreover, business interpretation has a strong time limit, which requires both voice and translation, without much time to think . Therefore, the principle of business interpretation is to obey economy and clarity, and avoid entanglement in details.


  Business interpretation requires translators to be flexible in dealing with transitional words and small aspects. When translating, they should pay attention to the main content, including jargon, terminology, customary expressions and other language and technical content. They should be familiar with the content of the field and master the expression of jargon and terminology. Secondly, business interpretation should translate numbers accurately.


  At the same time, business interpretation should also pay attention to idioms, slang and habitual expressions which are full of cultural content in the source language. An excellent interpreter should master the translation of idioms and allusions in Chinese and English so as to achieve the best effect.


  Business translation plays an important role in the international communication activities of companies and enterprises. Due to the high requirements of customers for business interpretation service, we position it as a high-end category of interpretation service. For all interpreters who provide business interpretation service, the company requires them to have at least three years of practical interpretation work experience, have relevant industry background, and be able to deeply understand the professional terms and corresponding background knowledge of the customer's industry.


  At the same time, the company also rates the interpreters according to their experience and actual work effect, and regularly conducts professional training for business interpreters, so as to continuously improve the quality of business interpretation.







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