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日期:2021-01-21 發(fā)布人: 來(lái)源: 閱讀量:


  Understanding international news needs to be translated into our language, so translation has become an indispensable part of us. What are the characteristics of news vocabulary?

  一、常用詞匯有特定的新聞色彩。新聞報(bào)道常使用某些詞匯來(lái)表達(dá)事實(shí)和事件,因此這些詞匯經(jīng)過長(zhǎng)期使用后逐漸取得與新聞報(bào)道相聯(lián)系的特殊意義,成為新聞體詞語(yǔ)(journalistic words)。

  1、 Common words have specific news color. News reports often use certain words to express facts and events. Therefore, after long-term use, these words gradually acquire the special meaning associated with news reports and become journalistic words.

  例如,horror一詞是新聞標(biāo)題中長(zhǎng)的詞,用以表示不幸事故和暴力行動(dòng),再如nadir常指“兩國(guó)關(guān)系的最低點(diǎn)”。此外,新聞報(bào)導(dǎo)中還有一些約定俗成的套語(yǔ),如according to sources concerned (據(jù)有關(guān)方面報(bào)導(dǎo)),cited as saying(援引…的話)。

  For example, the word "hero" is a long word in the news headlines, which is used to express unfortunate accidents and violent actions. Another example is nadir, which often refers to "the lowest point of the relationship between the two countries". In addition, there are some conventional sayings in news reports, such as according to sources concerned, quoted as saying If you want to.

  二、使用“小詞”。:小詞(midget words)即簡(jiǎn)短詞,一般為單音節(jié)詞。小詞的廣泛使用一是由于報(bào)紙篇幅有限,用小詞可以免于移行,二是由于小詞的詞義范疇很寬,一般比較生動(dòng)靈活。新聞?dòng)⒄Z(yǔ)稱這類詞為synonyms of all work (萬(wàn)能同義詞),如back(支持);ban(禁止),curb(控制)。

  2、 Use small words. Small words are short words, usually monosyllabic words. The widespread use of small words is due to the limited space of newspapers, which can avoid the migration of small words, and the wide range of meaning of small words, which is generally vivid and flexible. In journalistic English, they are called synonyms of all work, such as back, ban and curb.


  3、 Use a lot of abbreviations. This is mainly to save time and space.

  比如WB(world bank世界銀行);ASP(American selling price美國(guó)銷售價(jià));biz(business商業(yè))等。

  For example, WB (World Bank); ASP (American selling price); biz (business) and so on.

  四、臨時(shí)造詞。為了表達(dá)需要和追求新奇,新聞報(bào)導(dǎo)常常使用“臨時(shí)造詞/生造詞”,即臨時(shí)創(chuàng)造或拼湊起來(lái)的詞或詞組,例如:Euromart(European market 歐洲市場(chǎng));Reaganomics(Reagan-economics)里根經(jīng)濟(jì);Ameritocracy(American-aristocracy)美國(guó)寡頭政治統(tǒng)治;haves and have-not(富人和窮人)等。

  4、 Temporary coinage. In order to express needs and pursue novelty, news reports often use "coinage / coinage", that is, words or phrases created or pieced together temporarily, such as: euromart (European market); Reaganomics (Reagan Economics) Reagan economy; American oligarchy (American aristocracy); has and Have not, etc.

  五、為了喚起讀者的親切感(sense of togetherness),英語(yǔ)新聞文體大量借用體育、軍事、商業(yè)、科技、文學(xué)、娛樂業(yè)等方面的專業(yè)詞匯或外來(lái)詞。

  5、 In order to arouse readers' sense of togetherness, English news style borrows a lot of professional words or loanwords from sports, military, business, science and technology, literature, entertainment and other aspects.







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