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日期:2020-03-23 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  CET-6 has always been a difficult barrier for examinees to break through. What are the translation skills of CET-6 to share with you?


  1、 Translation skills of parts of speech


  In the process of translation, some sentences can be translated word by word, and some sentences can't be translated word by word because of the different ways of expression between English and Chinese. Only after the translation of parts of speech can the translation appear smooth and natural; the application of translation skills of parts of speech should be paid attention to from four aspects.


  1. Translate into verbs.


  Some nouns, prepositions and adverbs in English can be translated into verbs in Chinese.


  2. Translate into famous words.


  Some verbs and adjectives in English can be translated into Chinese nouns.


  3. Translate into adjectives.


  In English, some abstract nouns, which are used as objects or tables, and some nouns derived from adjectives, can often be translated into adjectives in Chinese. In addition, when an English verb is translated into a Chinese noun, the adverb that originally modified the verb is often translated into an adjective in Chinese.


  4. Translate into adverbs.


  Some nouns and adjectives in English can be translated into adverbs in Chinese.


  2、 The choice and extension of word meaning


  In both English and Chinese, there is a phenomenon that one word has more categories and one word has more meanings. Multi category of a word means that a word often belongs to several parts of speech and has several different meanings; multi category of a word means that the same word often has several different meanings in the same part of speech. In the process of English-Chinese translation, we should be good at using the skills of selecting and determining the meaning of key words in the original sentence after clarifying the structure of the original sentence, so as to make the translated sentence natural and fluent, which is completely in line with the Chinese custom. We can usually choose and determine the meaning of the original sentence from two aspects:


  1. Choose and determine the meaning of words according to their parts of speech in sentences


  2. According to the context and the collocation of words in sentences, we can choose and determine the meaning of words.


  Word meaning extension is one of the common skills in our English-Chinese translation. In translation, we sometimes encounter some words that can't find proper meaning in English dictionaries. If we translate them arbitrarily or word by word, it will make the translation hard and obscure, unable to express the original meaning exactly, or even cause misunderstanding. At this time, it should be further extended from the basic meaning of the word according to the context and logical relationship, which can be considered from three aspects.


  Translation of word meaning. When we encounter some words or phrases that cannot be or are not suitable for literal translation, we should extend and translate them according to the context and logical relationship.


  Concrete meaning of words. According to the expression habit of Chinese, some words with more general meaning in the original text are extended to words with more specific meaning.


  Abstract meaning of words. According to Chinese expression habits, some words with more specific meaning in the original text are extended to words with more abstract meaning, or words with more image meaning are extended to words with more general meaning.


  3、 The technique of adding words in Chinese Translation

  英譯漢時,有時需要意義上、修辭上或句法上的需要加一些詞,使譯文更加忠實通順地表達原文的思想內容;但是,增加的并不是無中生有,而是要增加原文中雖無其詞卻有其意的一些詞,這是英譯漢中常用的 的技巧之一。增詞技巧一般分作兩種情況。

  When translating from English to Chinese, sometimes we need to add some words in the sense, rhetoric or syntax to make the translation more faithful and smooth to express the ideological content of the original text; however, what we add is not something out of nothing, but some words with meaning in the original text, which is one of the commonly used skills in English to Chinese translation. The skills of adding words are generally divided into two situations.


  1. According to the needs of meaning or rhetoric, the following seven categories of words can be added.


  2. Add a word according to the syntactic needs.


  4、 Translation skills of positive and negative


  The translation skills of positive and negative, anyway, refer to breaking through the form of the original text, using the method of changing mood to deal with words and sentences, translating the positive into the negative, and translating the negative into the positive. By using this technique, the translation can be more in line with Chinese norms or rhetorical requirements without losing its original meaning. This technique can be stated in five aspects.


  1. Affirmative translation negative


  2. Negative translation affirmation


  3. Double negative translation affirmation


  However, if the original form of "negation of negation" in English does not affect the fluency of Chinese in translation, the purpose of reservation can also highlight the subtle tone in the original text.


  4. Positive and negative displacement


  5. Translation into partial negation


  5、 Repetition techniques in Chinese Translation


  Repetition is an essential skill in English-Chinese translation. In English-Chinese translation, it is often necessary to repeat some words in the original text to make the translation express clearly and concretely; in addition, due to different language structures, the means and functions of repetition are often different, which can be roughly divided into three types.


  1. For clarity


  2. To emphasize


  3. To be vivid


  6、 Reverse translation skills


  The order of composition and arrangement of words and sentences in English and Chinese is very different, so it is a very common translation skill to make some adjustments and reverse the order in English-Chinese translation, which can be divided into five types.


  1. Back translation skills of compound sentences. The back translation of compound sentences can be divided into two skills: partial back translation and complete back translation.


  2. Reverse translation skills of passive sentences. In the reverse translation of passive sentences, sometimes passive sentences can be translated into active sentences, sometimes adverbials can be translated into subjects.


  3. Some back translation skills of sentences beginning with negative adverbs or conditional adverbs.


  4. Some back translation skills of sentences with prepositional phrases


  5. Reverse translation skills of idioms.


  The reverse translation of idioms can be divided into three skills: reverse translation according to the fixed order of Chinese, reverse translation according to the weight and reverse translation according to the reverse time order.


  7、 Chinese translation skills of clauses and clauses


  When translating English into Chinese, because the sentence structures of the two languages are quite different, it is often necessary to change the sentence structures to adapt to the expression habits of Chinese. In order to achieve this goal, it is an important skill to use the method of clause and clause translation. The so-called clause refers to translating a simple sentence of the original into two or more sentences; the so-called compound name refers to translating two or more simple sentences or a compound sentence of the original into a single sentence. By using this kind of Chinese translation technique, we can make the translation level clear and conform to the expression habit of Chinese. There are five types of skills in sub sentence flow translation and three types of skills in CO sentence Chinese translation. First of all, I will talk about five types of Chinese translation skills of clauses.


  1. Chinese translation skills of subject clause.


  2. Translation skills of predicate clauses.


  3. Chinese translation skills of attributive clause


  4. Chinese translation skills of adverbial clauses


  5. Chinese translation skills of appositive clauses.


  8、 Translation skills of sentence components


  Due to the different ways of expression between English and Chinese, sometimes it is necessary to change the sentence components in order to achieve the goal of logical correctness, fluency and emphasis. As a skill of translation, sentence component translation is rich in content and form, and widely used, including five aspects.


  1. Subject translation skills can translate the subject of a sentence into attribute, object, adverbial and so on.


  2. Translation skills of predicate. You can translate predicates into attributes.


  3. Translation skills of object. You can translate an object into a subject.


  4. Attribute translation skills. Attribute can be translated into predicate and adverbial.


  5. Translation skills of adverbial.


  Adverbial translation generally refers to the translation of adverbial clauses. It can be divided into three forms: translating time adverbial clause into conditional adverbial clause, translating place adverbial clause into conditional adverbial clause and translating cause adverbial clause into subject in complex sentence.








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