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日期:2020-03-17 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  News has timeliness and preciseness. It is very important for translators to translate accurately. What should we pay attention to when sharing news translation?


  Literal or basic literal translation of news headlines. Literal translation and free translation, which is right or wrong, have been debated in the field of translation in China. However, whether literal translation or free translation, faithfulness to the original content should be given priority.

  翻譯中添加注釋性詞語。英語報刊的新聞標題往往迎合本國讀者的閱讀習慣,而且由于思維習慣與中國人不同,英語新聞標題的表達方式也與中文有所不同。因此,翻譯過程中必須充分考慮到內外有別的原則和我國讀者的閱讀心理,對國人可能不太熟悉的有關信息、文化背景知識以及不符合國內讀者閱讀習慣的表達方式 進行必要的變通,該刪則刪,該增則增。

  Add explanatory words to the translation. English newspaper headlines often cater to the reading habits of their own readers, and because of their different thinking habits and Chinese people, English news headlines have different ways of expression. Therefore, in the process of translation, it is necessary to fully consider the principles of internal and external differences and the reading psychology of Chinese readers, and make necessary modifications to the relevant information, cultural background knowledge that Chinese people may not be familiar with and the expressions that do not conform to the reading habits of domestic readers. Such deletion will be deleted, while such addition will be added.

  盡量再現原文修辭特點。許多新聞標題不僅以其簡潔精煉引人注意,同時也通過運用各種修辭技巧,既有效地傳遞一些微妙的隱含信息,又使讀者在義、音、形等方面得到美的享受。因此,在翻譯時應盡可能地體現原文修辭特點,如雙關、比喻、押韻等,使譯文和原文在修辭上基本吻合,從而讓譯文讀者得到與原文讀者 近乎一樣的感受。

  Try to reproduce the rhetorical features of the original text. Many news headlines not only attract people's attention for their conciseness and conciseness, but also effectively convey some subtle implicit information by using various rhetorical skills, which makes readers enjoy the beauty of meaning, sound and form. Therefore, in translation, the rhetorical features of the original should be embodied as much as possible, such as pun, metaphor, rhyme, etc., so as to make the translation and the original basically coincide in rhetoric, so that the target readers can get almost the same feelings as the original readers.


  Translation trade-offs are used. Sometimes, when some English titles are difficult to express their subtle meanings in Chinese due to rhetoric, cultural and linguistic differences, it is advisable to translate appropriate Chinese titles according to the literal meaning of English titles and news content. According to the characteristics of Chinese and Chinese news headlines, different grammatical and rhetorical means can be used to achieve the best results.








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